Study Participants
As a participant in the Agricultural Health Study (AHS), you are one of about 89,000 people in Iowa and North Carolina who first enrolled in the 1990s. The majority of participants continue to participate, providing important information about their farming practices and their health.
Why this Study is Important
- More than 1 million Americans work in agriculture
- The health risks and benefits of farming are not well studied
- The AHS will lead to better understanding of agricultural factors related to health and, ultimately, protect the health of farm families.
Why the Study Needs You
- Your continued participation will help future generations of farmers lead healthier lives.
- Your participation ensures that the study results best reflect the experience of all farm families.
What Your Contribution has Already Done:
- Your participation has contributed to many publications.
- The 2018 Newsletter highlighted the first 25 years of the study and the important contributions your participation made.